Homoeopathic system of medicine was originally discovered and developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.
Hahnemann, who was a chemist, scientist, and an allopathic physician, while translating the Cullens materia medica in 1796, found that Cinchona bark was used to treat malaria because of its bitter taste. This was the apple fall on newtons head. Being merely bitter should not make a substance curative agent for any disease. He himself consumed the bark and developed few malaria-like symptoms.
He continued his exploration, read many books and literature, experimented with drugs and found the fundamental principles of Homoeopathy.During his life span of 88 years, he took this huge task to establish a full therapeutic medical system starting from an observation. This is in short how he founded the Homeopathic System of Medicine.

Homoeopathic remedies are derived from almost every source
Be it plants, minerals, compounds, animals, energy medicine etc. Homoeopathy involves treating an individual holistically, keeping in view every sign, symptom, and deviation from the state of health.
The medicines are prepared according to Homoeopathic principles, by the process called potentization. Homoeopathic remedies are dispensed in the form of a liquid, liquid impregnated globules/diskettes/sugar of milk, ointments, gels etc. The potentized medicines aim to trigger the bodys natural system of healing by raising immunity.
The treatment may be “individualized”, “specific” or “clinical” i.e. tailored according to person and disease with which a person is suffering.
Homoeopathy as an alternative system of medicine is gaining popularity due to its clinical efficacy, and scientific basis. World Health Organization recognizes it as the second largest alternative system of medicine in the world. It is officially recognized in healthcare systems of many countries. It is currently practiced in over 80 countries, and has legal recognition as an individual system of medicine in 42 countries and is recognized as a part of complementary and alternative medicine in 28 countries.
An extensive research has been undertaken in this system of medicine ranging from observational studies to randomized controlled trials and fundamental research.