The London College of Homeopathy-Inauguration

The 7th of June 2017 witnessed a great day in the new era in Homoeopathy. With great pleasure, the day celebrated the inauguration of, “The London College of Homoeopathy, United Kingdom”.
The London College of Homoeopathy, United Kingdom

The 7th of June 2017 witnessed a great day in the new era in Homoeopathy. With great pleasure, the day celebrated the inauguration of, “The London College of Homoeopathy, United Kingdom”. The ceremony was held at University of West London, Boston Manor Road, Brentford, London. This Institute is an academic liaison where the accreditation is provided by the Registration Society of Homoeopathy, United Kingdom (RSH UK) in technical & clinical internship support from Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Greater Noida, India.
The ceremony received a warm welcome by the presence of esteemed international guests, homoeopaths, and professionals. The panel of chief and special guests included dignitaries from Hounslow Chamber of Commerce Lord Sardar Singh, Director and President; Mr. Stepan Fry, CEO, Ms. Sally Smith, COO and Alan Rides, Director and Chairman; from RSH UK Board members Dr. SPS Bakshi, Mrs. Seema Bakshi, Mr. Harjit Sidhu, Dr. (Mrs.) Harsharan Kaur, Dr. Sandeep Kaila and Dr. Saurav Arora.
Dr. Isabelle welcomed all the dignitaries with her experiences and facts about homoeopathy in the United Kingdom. She invited all dignitaries to the dais to pay the floral tribute to our master, CSF Hahnemann, the father and founder of Homoeopathy. This tribute embarked the formal inauguration of The London College of Homoeopathy.
This was followed by a deliberate presentation by distinguished guests Dr. SPS Bakshi and Mr. Stephan Fry. Also, Dr. Barbara Sharma’s talk on RSH UK, Homoeopathy and History of works by Dr. Pyara Singh in the UK was mesmerizing.
Dr. Bakshi, also announced the International Clinical Exposure in Homoeopathy (ICEH) Programme through which clinical exposure to homoeopaths shall be provided by Bakson College, India and London College of Homoeopathy, UK. The details and enrolment for ICEH may be seen at

Following this, the membership certificates, souvenirs, and membership cards were distributed to the life and annual members of RSH UK.
A vote of thanks by given by Dr. Jagjit Ram who also requested the audience to observe two minutes silence for the London terror attacks victims in past few days.
The inauguration saves an important date for our future work. The journey has just initiated and RSH UK as well as Bakson are sure to maintain the momentum of advancements in homoeopathic education.
We believe in inter-organizational liaison for the benefit and promotion of homoeopathy. We seek support of our fellow colleagues to carry forward the initiatives for the betterment of homeopathic education and usage amongst public health system. Let us join hands for this cause for the Homoeopathy.
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You may also call us at UK Office – Mr. Harjit Sidhu: +447448701342; Asia Office, Dr. Sandeep Kaila: +919810000203; Dr. Saurav Arora: +919811425216
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